F. MACK* (Department of Prosthodontics II, University Hospital Benjamin Franklin, Free University of Berlin, Germany)
Up to this time it was not possible to produce a bridge frame out of galvano gold (99.9% Au) in one piece.
The development of various one-piece galvanobridges and their framestructure is being demonstrated. These are ceramically blended with Vita Omega 2000. The durability was tested using the three-point- stress-test (SCHWICKERATH) appealing a bond-shear-strength-test. Furthermore the crowns of the bridges were produced without a visible goldborder in different variations. The gaps were measured.
Various types of bridgelinks blended with ceramic show during loading of the links in the three-point- pressuretest values, which are lying higher than the border of 300 N. The gaps of bridgecrowns without galvanic border are about 20 µm.
It is now generally possible to produce biocompatible galvano-bridges (3-linked) in one piece using the galvanoforming technique (Hafner). The aesthetic is very similar to that of the natural teeth. Further research work has to find, if these bridges have also good results in vivo.
Supporter: Hafner Co. and Vita Company